Ask the Experts
New structure, new logo, new concept: the expert group “Machine Learning Clinic” is a unique pool of expert knowledge. Our last meeting aimed to connect experts willing to share their knowledge with companies in need of expertise to push AI-projects forward. Despite the hype around AI and deep learning of the last years, only a few deployed solutions are running in industry. Why is this? What are the missing bricks? One of the missions of the ML-Clinic is to overcome this gap between lab and real-world applications.
During registration we identified needs and experts on the following hot topics:
- Data Management
- Vision Inspection
- Cloud Integration
- Hardware / Edge-Processing

During a 90min virtual meeting we connected people, exchanged experience, and brainstormed about new ideas. With the new open-innovation initiative www.databooster.ch and the support from Innosuisse there are many possibilities to support companies on their ML-journey.
In a familiar round we discussed about real cases from Roche, Sulzer, SBB and others. One common issue is data quality, availability and working with rare scenarios. How to deal with missing, wrong or corrupted data. How to train robust neural networks based on such datasets. There is no easy solution but there are more and more ideas how to deal with these common industrial issues.
Beside the deep technology discussions another highlight was the “non-virtual apéro package” which all participants received before the event. Even though we only communicated through Bytes over a glass fibre everyone had a real chilled beer and some nuts in their hands – what beer would be better to stimulate the real neurons than the AI beer: DEEPER
Overall a successful event and we hope you tune in for the next get together of the ML-Clinic!