Expert Day & General Assembly
13:00 – Welcome Coffee
13:15 – Expert Group Meetings
15:30 – Coffee Break
15:30 – Registration General Assembly

16:00 – Keynote Humanity, AI and Innovation: What Future Do We want?
Dr. Oliver Dürr, University of Zürich and University of Fribourg
16:30 – General Assembly
17:30 – Network Apero
The advent of advanced data analytics has opened up a world of opportunities for healthcare institutions, providing deeper insights into patient care and streamlining clinical decision-making. Through the merging of data-driven clinical research and integrated care, we're at the forefront of a medical revolution that aims to transform the lives of our patients, with data playing a pivotal role in bridging the gap between medical observations and actionable insights. A crucial aspect of this is also understanding time series data, especially when it comes to vital signs like ECGs. In this workshop, we will address the two aspects of this revolution in healthcare.
Dr. Sebastiano Caprara, Balgrist University Hospital - Data-driven Clinical Research and Integrated Care at Balgrist University Hospital
In the modern healthcare landscape, the fusion of data analytics with clinical practice holds the promise of revolutionizing patient care. At Balgrist University Hospital, we have embarked on an ambitious journey to leverage data-driven clinical research for enhancing integrated care. This presentation introduces our groundbreaking initiatives in harnessing the vast repositories of clinical data to uncover patterns, predict outcomes, and inform clinical decisions.
Dr. Sebastiano Caprara received his PhD degree at the ETH Zurich with a focus on machine learning and predictive models supporting preoperative planning of spinal surgery. He is currently leading the Digital Medicine Unit at the Balgrist University Hospital and is responsible for the Research IT Infrastructure in the OR-X, a new translational center for surgery at Balgrist. The main focus of his work is to facilitate the development of innovative digital solutions and optimize their integration in the clinical IT environment.
He is a member of the Digital Health Committee of digitalSwitzerland and of the Steering Committee of the Biomedical Informatics Platform project from the LOOP Zurich, a medical center for translational research and precision medicine.
Dr. Aron Horvath, Unit8 - Time series analysis in Healthcare: Arrhythmia detection in ECG signal
Time series methods - such as anomaly detection - play a crucial role in understanding temporal data in healthcare, allowing professionals to make informed decisions for improved patient outcomes. In this talk, we will demonstrate the power and easy applicability of the recently released anomaly detection module of an in-house developed library - Darts - by developing models for arrhythmia detection in ECG signals.
Dr. Aron Horvath is a data scientist with a multidisciplinary background in Clinical/Life Sciences and Biomedical Engineering. He has experience working with data from a variety of industries, including healthcare, finance, and manufacturing. Proficient in designing, implementing, and productionizing machine learning solutions and systems. He has a strong inner drive for continuous self-development and is motivated to push boundaries toward innovative and effective solutions, delivering valuable data and actionable insights.
In this meeting we show how smart services in B2B environments can or actually do contribute to social value creation, ideally without compromising business value creation.
Spatial computing revolutionizes data visualization by facilitating immersive 3D interactions, leading to intuitive comprehension of complex datasets. Its capabilities support multi-dimensional insights, combine diverse datasets for a holistic view, and promote collaborative exploration in shared virtual spaces. Moreover, technologies like augmented reality can overlay data visualizations onto real-world environments, bridging the digital and physical realms for contextually relevant insights. In sum, spatial computing transforms passive data observation into dynamic, interactive experiences, enhancing understanding and collaboration. This workshop will explore real use cases that can lead to business opportunities.
- Nov 13 2023
- Expired!
- 13:15 - 18:00
Technopark Zurich
- Technoparkstrasse 1, 8005 Zürich

data innovation alliance
info.office@data-innovation.org -
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