Expert Day
We invite you to the second iteration of the Expert Day. Join us in an exchange of expertise and find inspiration. These following groups will participate:
- Natural Language Processing & Big Data Technologies
- Smart Maintenance
- Smart Services
- Spatial Data Analytics
Detailed Program:
15:00 – Welcome
15:30 – Keynote by Prof. Pierre Dersin
16:10 – Expert Group Meetings in breakout rooms (see below)
17:40 – Apéro
Natural Language Processing & Big Data Technologies
Everyone is talking about ChatGPT these days and some of its output is truly impressive! We will discuss how the most recent wave of text generation algorithms can transform business, science and teaching. The meeting will feature the following expert talks (click to see more details):
We are looking forward to exchanging opinions, experiences and questions, and to exploring this exciting field together!
Smart Maintenance
The value of condition monitoring data: 5 use cases.
In this meeting of the Smart Maintenance Expert Group we will hear about successful student projects conducted together with industry partners from various fields. The focus points of the projects are very diverse, ranging from prediction of energy losses, through anomaly detection, fault diagnostics, prediction of the remaining useful life and optimal maintenance scheduling. We will have 5 short pitch presentations, followed by an interactive discussion of future interest topics of our expert group, including active feedback of all participants.
- Anomaly Detection in Marine Engines with Convolutional Neural Networks (Company: WinGD)
- Aircraft Scheduling Optimization based on Prognostics Degradation Models (Company: Swiss International Airlines)
- Modeling Wake Energy Losses in Wind Farms using Graph Neural Networks (Company: Fluence Energy)
- Using Error Code Patterns to Predict Service Requests on Production Machines with Machine Learning (Company: Zünd Systemtechnik)
- Fault Detection in Solar Power Plants using Physics Informed Deep Learning (Company: Fluence Energy)
Smart services for sustainability – circular servitization
With data-driven services, industrial companies can create quantifiable value for their customers, partners and themselves. At the same time, these services also have the potential for ecological benefits, e.g., through optimized processes in operations or logistics. To make this possible, economic and ecological goals must be captured in a targeted and combined manner when designing the services.
The 1.5-hour workshop will discuss how specific problems from everyday business can be systematically addressed to create relevant added value for business and ecology. Participants will bring their own business issue and leave the workshop with a first approach on how to create economic and environmental value through smart services. The workshop will run through typical phases of a project in a compressed time format to give an impression of what such a project might look like on a larger scale.
Spatial Data Analytics
High-quality spatial data is increasingly available for free use. However, with the large amount of data and the sometimes very specific data types and formats, it is challenging to find the appropriate data sources. In addition, some of the data access platforms are only partially intuitive and can be used without expert knowledge. Accordingly, the question arises whether the full potential of the available data base could not be better exploited if data access and data sharing were simplified. In this co-creation workshop, concepts and approaches will be reflected and discussed with representatives from research and industry as well as from cantonal and federal agencies, with the aim of developing possible approaches for joint implementation.