Expert Group Meeting – Natural Language Processing in Action
Our next Expert Meeting on Thursday, 30 November 2023, 17:00-18:30, will focus on various aspects and applications of NLP & Health
It will take place at the ZHAW premises in Lagerstrasse 45, 8004 Zurich in room ZL O6.12 (6th floor). The meeting will be followed by an apéro.
Online participation is also possible.
Please use the following form to confirm your attendance by October 30: https://forms.gle/eEYLWjpGNKLauGmF8
We will then send you a calendar invitation which includes online participation details.
In the form, you also have the opportunity to let us know which topics you are interested in for our meetings in 2024 and to suggest speakers!
The following presentations are confirmed for the meeting on 30 November:
- Elif Ozkirimli, Head of Computational Science Products at Roche
Title: Adoption of NLP in Healthcare: a Strategic Perspective Across the Pharma Value Chain. - Matteo Manica, Senior Research Scientist at IBM
Title: Harnessing the Power of Language Models to Accelerate Material Design - Ahmad Aghaebrahimian, Associate Researcher at ZHAWTitle: Medical Informatics Powered by Large Language Models and the Semantic Web; A work in progress
- Nicolas Löffler-Perez, Data Scientist at SwissmedicTitle: Medicrawl: a ML-based Application for Finding Illegal Products in Online Markets.