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Smart Services Summit 2021

Register to the event here!

Smart Services supporting the new-normal

Following on from the Summit in 2020, where the focus was on digital as an enabler for smart services, this year
we want to focus on how Smart Services have allowed firms to adapt in the COVID-19 pandemic. Examples of
remote and collaborative working have created new forms of co-delivery where customers are integrated into the
service processes. Such a change requires a mindset change for more traditional firms as the service model
migrates from ‘do it for you’ to ‘do it yourself’ or some mix of ‘do it together’. Considering service science, the
switch makes perfect sense as it means that the full set of resources within the ecosystem are now being used
rather than only a part. Services can be delivered faster and at lower costs with the support of new technologies
and when working with the customer in a co-delivery mode. The changes are leading to new value propositions
and business models today and will lead to an evolution in Smart Services in the future. The changes themselves
must be understood, and we may need to consider new or different implementation and delivery models for
Smart Services. These new working approaches may also requite use to re-evaluate both training and education.

The summit in 2021 aims to assess new and emerging services that are enabled by technology and where the
services are co-delivered to support the emerging new-normal. In doing so, we hope to answer some of these
… how is the service quality impacted through digital technologies?
… how can you transform the customer (or a third-party) into a service partner?
… how does collaborative working impact value co-creation?
… what is the impact of smart services on customer experience?
… how does the nature of the service delivery change?

The pre-COVID19 context and the challenges faced should, where possible, be described so that the initial state
can be clearly understood. Although the focus will be on COVID-19 and its impact on Smart Services, papers on
emerging research on the full lifecycle (e.g, pre-sales, sales, delivery etc.) of Smart Services remain appreciated.
As with previous years, we are looking for early-stage research and will again publish the proceedings with
Springer. Furthermore, we will use industry to set the scene and the context from their position and follow them
with impactful academic presentations. We will have a physical summit in Zürich!

Hotel Belvoir (LINK)
Säumerstrasse 37
8803 Rüschlikon, Zürich

Covid certificate will be checked, please see HERE

Summit Chairs
Prof. Dr. Shaun West, Hochschule Luzern,
Dr. Jürg Meierhofer, ZHAW School of Engineering,
Utpal Mangla, VP and Senior Partner in IBM Services

Smart Services; Industry4.0; Product-Service Systems; Value Co-creation; Service Quality; COVID-19; Service
Science; Service Design.

Submission procedure
i. Write a short abstract:
ii. Short abstract submission: 16 July, 2021 to
iii. Notification of acceptance: 16 July, 2021
iv. Full paper submission: 31 August, 2021
Acceptance of papers is based on the full paper (up to 8 pages). All papers will be peer reviewed.

Proceedings from 2020
The proceedings from 2020 will be published in June 2021 (


Oct 22 2021


09:00 - 17:00


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