Expert Group “Blockchain” meeting, 30.09.2021
The 13th meeting of the expert group “Blockchain Technology in Interorganisational Collaboration” took place on the evening of the 30th of September.
At the beginning of the meeting, the group discussed the topic of a Swiss e-ID. The members were able to exchange valuable insights regarding self-sovereign identity. Self-sovereign identity enables individuals to have control over their digital identity. Due to its immutability, blockchain technology can enable self-sovereign identity. Wallet recovery, scalability and API availability are the main issues being worked on in this field right now.
The group decided to send a joint statement with implementation recommendations to the federal office of justice.
Because it has been a long time since the last in-person meeting, the remainder of the time was used by the members to share ongoing blockchain projects and their status, recent blockchain-related news and lessons learned.
Talking points included the issue of scaling and potential solutions to it and decentralized autonomous organizations.
After the meeting, the informal part of the meeting continued with a beer at the local pub.