Expert Group Meeting – Natural Language Processing in Action: LLMs in Practice
The next Expert Meeting of the NLP group on 9 April 2024, 17:30-19:00, will focus on “LLMs in Practice” and includes the following speakers:
- Flurin Gishamer, Senior Data Scientist at Open Systems
Title: “Harnessing Large Language Models for Augmenting Managed Service Operations” - Marcel Neidinger, Solution Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Title: “Patterns and Lessons Learned from Building GenAI Applications in the Wild” - Arben Sabani, Language Technology Software Developer at SuperText
Topic: “Leveraging LLMs for Complex Task Solving in Agent Systems”
It will take place at the ZHAW premises in Lagerstrasse 45, 8004 Zurich in room ZL O3.08 (3rd floor). The meeting will be followed by an apéro.
Online participation is also possible.
Please use the following form to confirm your attendance by March 31:
https://forms.gle/iPk6PfFiWa58xz1j7. We will then send you a calendar invitation which also includes online participation details.
(Note that the registration form also contains information on the SwissNLP General Assembly, which takes place right before the Expert Meeting, but this is only relevant to members of SwissNLP.)
Hoping to see many of you there!