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Tag: AI Finance & Insurance

Expert Day

Selected expert groups from the data innovation alliance will present themselves at this half-day event. Current projects, trends and potential collaborations will be presented, discussed and worked on in interactive sessions. 

FHNW Campus Brugg-Windisch, 100m from Brugg station
Bahnhofstrasse 6, 5210 Windisch, Room 5.0A52

13:30Welcome & Registration
14:00Welcome speech by FHNW: Eyes on Human-Data Interaction by Prof. Dr. Arzu Çöltekin, FHNW
14:15Keynote Lessons learned on scaling after 1 year of GenAI by Dr. Marcin Pietrzyk, co-founder and CEO of Unit8
14:45Expert Group Break-out (1)
15:30Coffee Break
16:00Expert Group Break-out (2)

Prof. Dr. Arzu Çöltekin, FHNW

Arzu Çöltekin is a professor of Human-Computer Interaction, Visualization and Extended Reality, and leads the Institute of Interactive Technologies at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland. She is also a research affiliate at the Seamless Astronomy group in the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics of the Harvard University in Cambridge, USA, collaborating on scientific data analysis and visualization research. She chairs the international Extended Reality and Visual Analytics working group with the ISPRS; co-chairs the Commission on Geovisualization with the ICA, and is a council member with the International Society of Digital Earth (ISDE). Her interdisciplinary work covers topics related to information science, visual analytics, visualization and cartography, virtual/augmented reality, gaze-contingent displays, eye-tracking, vision (perception and cognition), and human-computer interaction.

Part 1: Predictive Maintenance @ABB: a Technology Company’s Point of View

Kai Hencken is Corporate Research Fellow for “Physical and Statistical Modeling” at the ABB Corporate Research Center, Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland. He holds a Ph.D. and a habilitation in theoretical physics from the university of Basel, where he is currently a lecturer. He joined the ABB Corporate Research Center in Baden-Dättwil in 2005 as a member of the theoretical physics group. His research interests are the combination of physical modeling, data analytics, and statistical methods to solve problems related to industrial devices. He works predominantly on developing diagnostics and prognostics approaches for different products, covering the range from sensors and signal processing to mathematical methods in prognostics.

Predictive Maintenance is one of the main application areas of the Industrial Internet of Things. The wide deployment of sensors and their connectivity allows to collect big amounts of data from devices in the field. The exponential increase of computing power and the recent developments in data analytics and machine learning makes the application of advanced algorithms possible. We are also facing changes in the way maintenance work is done and how its importance is seen.

ABB is a technology company providing devices and solutions in the area of electrification and automation. Many of their offerings in the area of digitalization and specifically predictive maintenance are geared towards their own products. This leads to topics that are specific for these cases in addition to the common ones.

In my talk I will discuss some of these issues and how they can be addressed: The domain knowledge and the simulation capabilities within the company are one of the big assets of any manufacturer. Reusing this for predictive maintenance solutions is an important aspect. For highly reliable products failure data will remain scarce even for a large installed base. This is a major bottleneck for any data-driven approach and needs to be overcome. The focus of many solutions developed is to provide monitoring and diagnostics capabilities. The prognostics aspect and the proposal of actions to be taken to remedy potential problems are often more important for the final customer. Examples are taken predominantly from electrification and motion devices.

Part 2: Discussion of combining physics and domain knowledge with AI for intelligent maintenance and operation

  • 14:45 – 14:55 – Intro and introductions
  • 14:55 – 15:30 – Presentation: Nicole Königstein, Chief Data Scientist, Head of AI & Quant Research, Wyden Capital AG: “Financial Times Series Prediction in the Age of Transformers”+ Open discussion and Q&A
  • 15:30 – 16:00 – Break
  • 16:00 – 16:30 – Presentation: Guillaume Raille, Engagement Director & Data Scientist at Unit8 SA: LLMs beyond Chatbots: Unveiling the challenges of advanced LLM applications based on a real-world use cases+ Open discussion and Q&A
  • 16:30 – 17:00 – Discussion on topics that might be relevant for the DIA in the future and how to organize

In the field of environmental monitoring, artificial intelligence (AI) coupled with probability maps emerges as a powerful tool for comprehensively understanding and managing ecological systems. By harnessing machine learning algorithms, intricate patterns within environmental datasets can be discerned with unprecedented accuracy. Based on this understanding, probability maps can be calculated to offer valuable insights into the likelihood of various environmental events. These maps serve as crucial decision-making aids for policymakers, conservationists, and researchers alike, enabling proactive measures to mitigate ecological threats and promote sustainable practices.


  • 14:45 – 14:55 – Intro and introductions (Dr. László István Etesi, Prof. Gerd Simons – FHNW)
  • 14:55 – 15:30 – Probability Maps: Current research & applications in the field of environmental monitoring
  • 15:30 – 16:00 – Break
  • 16:00 – 16:30 – Indicate challenges around robust multi-sensor & multi-scale data integration and harmonization 
  • 16:30 – 17:00 – Discussion on ideas which can be further evaluated in the frame of the Innovation Booster

14:45 – 15:30
1. Growing with Data and AI, dealing with Governance. Introduction to the objectives of the new Expert Group in planning (Philipp Kuntschik, adesso Schweiz AG & Dr. Sarah Seyr, HSLU)
2. Transparency and Privacy for Data Governance – Can we have both? (Dr. Omran Ayob, SUPSI)
3. AI Maturity Framework (Frank Seifert, adesso Schweiz AG)

15:30 – 16:00 – Break

16:00 – 17:00
Maintaining integrity along the Data and AI value chain (interactive session):
– Explore data governance practices from data collection to data protection.
– Discuss algorithmic health and management of AI systems.
– Engage in user-centered communication and transparency strategies.

Expert Group Meeting – AI in Finance and Insurance: Generative AI and its applications in finance

Dear members of the expert group AI in finance & insurance,

We would like to invite you to the next expert group meeting that will take place on Monday, December 4th, 4-6pm, at Stockerstr. 50 (UNIT8 office) in Zurich.

This next meeting will focus on Generative AI and its applications in finance.

Generative AI (and its various protagonists) are making headlines on a daily basis. Yet, despite the frequent discussions and debates surrounding the technology’s potential, there is a noticeable gap regarding its practical implementation, especially in finance. This is both surprising and a missed opportunity, given the transformative potential of generative AI in reshaping the operations and business models of banks and insurances. Recognizing this gap, our meeting will delve into tangible use cases, showcasing how generative AI can be effectively integrated into the financial sector, offering insights, and discussions that go beyond the theoretical and into the practical.


  • 15h45: Doors open & arrival of guests
  • 16h00-16h15: Welcome & introduction
    by Prof. Branka Hadji Misheva & Andreas Blum (academic and business leads of the Expert Group)
  • 16h15-16h30: Talk 1 – (Generative) AI @ Helvetia Versicherungen
    The Swiss insurer will give insights into their use case approach to Gen AI and showcase ClaraGPT (for external customers) and Helvi (for internal customers)
    by Benjamin Theunissen (Head Artificial Intelligence & Customer Insights at Helvetia Versicherungen)
  • 16h30-16h45: Talk 2 – Large language models for entity matching
    Leveraging ChatGPT’s capability to identify and link disparate records representing the same real-world entities by harnessing semantic similarities in text mentions, even in the absence of explicit keyword overlaps
    by Prof. Branka Hadji Misheva (Professor of Applied Data Science and Finance at Bern University of Applied Sciences)
  • 16h45-17h00: Talk 3 – GenAI in Action at a leading European Insurance: Information Retrieval from risk documents in the blink of an eye
    by Thanos Giannakopoulos (Senior Data Scientist and Co-Lead of Unit8 Generative AI Practice)
  • 17h00-17h15: Q&A
  • from 17h15: Apéro and time for networking and discussion

Please note that this meeting is exclusively for professionals working in data, AI & analytics within banking, insurance or asset management.
Our past meetings were attended by participants from Swiss Re, Helvetia, Mobiliar, UBS, Credit Suisse, Vontobel, GKB, ZKB, Raiffeisen, Migrosbank and others.

Looking forward to meeting you all there,
Branka and Andreas

Expert Group Meeting – AI in Finance and Insurance: AI for Sustainable Finance

Dear members of the DIA expert group in finance & insurance, 

We hope everyone is doing well.

We would like to invite you to the next expert group meeting that will take place on June 12th 2023, at Stockerstr. 50 in Zurich.

The next meeting will focus on a key topic at the intersection of AI and sustainable finance.

Switzerland has long been known for its expertise in banking and finance, and sustainability has become increasingly important as investors and businesses seek to address environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. At the same time, Switzerland is also home to some of the world’s leading research institutions in AI – hence, a key questions becomes how can we use the recent advances in technology to help financial institutions and investors better understand, assess and measure ESG risks and opportunities.

The meeting will feature three exciting talks from academic and industry experts (see details below).

As always, the talks will be followed be an open discussion among all participants and apéro. 


  • Prof. Dr. Christian Hopp, Professor and the head of the institute for Applied Data Science and Finance at BFH: Rethinking Finance for Economic, Social, and Sustainable Impact – Opportunities for Science – Practice Collaborations
  • Prof. Dr. David Risi, Professor for Responsible Management at BFH: Unpacking the Internal Dynamics of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Implementation
  • Tatyana Gerber, Head of ESG Data Strategy, Global Sustainability at Credit Suisse: How data & analytics can enable more powerful ESG reporting

We hope to see many of you in May!

Kind regards,

Branka & Andreas

Expert Group Meeting – AI in Finance and Insurance

Save the date for the first meeting of the AI in Finance and Insurance Expert Group in 2023!
The location will be announced sooner to the date.

Luca Baldassarre – Advanced Analytics Governance and Innovation: Successful Co-players or strong Rivals?
While over the last years analytics techniques and computational power substantially increased, the calls for stricter governance became louder and louder. Swiss Re is using advanced analytics along the reinsurance value chain to optimize internal processes and to create new solutions. As a company with the clear ambition to get the best out of our data, a solid and sustainable setup is key. Therefore, to address the need for enhanced governance, we defined an internal Standard on Advanced Analytics Management and implemented the underlying model catalogue.
Join us on this journey and learn what has happened until the successful rollout of this standard in October 2022.

Followed by open discussion and an apéro.

We are looking forward to meeting you!

NLP in Insurance

Natural Language Processing (NLP) offers fundamental solutions for tasks such as text classification, automated chatbots, text summarization or speech recognition. How can the Insurance industry benefit from these AI technologies? This is the core question for the upcoming Expert Group Meeting “NLP in Insurance”, which will take place on Montag 31.10.2022 at 16:30  at ZHAW Lagerstrasse, Zurich.

Felix Müller, Senior Data Scientist at Mobiliar, will share insights into their usage of NLP for different applications (e.g. using transformers for claim handling). This will be followed be an open discussion among all participants (experts and users from academia and industry) and a nice apero.

The meeting is jointly organized by the NLP Expert Group, the Expert Group AI in Finance and Insurance, and the Swiss Association for Natural Language Processing (SwissNLP).

Expert Group Meeting – AI in Finance and Insurance

It is a pleasure for us to invite you to the kick-off of the new Expert Group within the data innovation alliance focusing on AI in Finance and Insurance (website).  The Expert Group will offer practitioners and researchers a platform for exchanging ideas and experiences concerning the potential that AI can bring to the financial and insurance sector. Our ambition is to discuss relevant issues and challenges of AI beyond a technical level and offer a broader business-oriented perspective.

Why take an active part in our meetings?

Our network will enable the Swiss community to:

  • Explore opportunities for utilizing innovative technologies to address pressing issues in the finance and insurance industry  
  • Collaborate with experts in the field to develop your ideas
  • Find the best research/industry partner for your project
  • Get funding support

Collection of ideas. You are very welcomed to suggest topics and use cases that should be included in the expected group’s work plan. We aim to launch an app that would collect your input in an automated way. In the meantime, I encourage you to share any input concerning topics directly with me

Save the date. The kick-off workshop will take place in Zurich on the 31st of August 2022 from 4 pm to 6 pm.

Co-Working Lounge Tessinerplatz
Ground Floor, Room “Mercato”
Tessinerplatz 7
8002 Zurich
(directly opposite of Bahnhof Enge in Zurich)

Further details concerning the program time slot will be communicated closer to the date.