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Tag: Public Event

SDS2021 – Workshops

The Swiss Conference on Data Science (SDS) is the most important Swiss conference for applied data science! In 2021 it will be held for the 8th time.

We connect data scientists, developers, opinion leaders, decision makers and pioneers. We create and exchange ideas for innovative products and services, with a non-exclusive focus on the Swiss market. We foster the community of data scientists in Switzerland – and beyond.

SDS2021: With talks and contributions focusing on applied data science and business, accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore. Talks with business impact and data-driven innovation concepts will be presented at the SDS2021.

Meet innovators, scientists as well as business insiders and get access to emerging trends, cutting-edge technologies and research results. Get inspired and use the input from SDS2021 directly for the improvement and development of your data-based products, solutions and applications. Further expand your network and discuss with experts on applied data science during our breaks and social events.

POSTPONED: Use-Case Talks Series 2021

Unfortunately this event cannot take place as announced and had to be postponed.
We will inform you as soon as we have a new date. Make sure to check LinkedIn for regular updates as well.

About the Use-Case Talks Series: Come and enjoy in-depth technical discussions and exchange information about interesting technical challenges among industry, academic and individual members in our Use-Case Talks series. In a relaxed atmosphere we  will discuss about progresses and challenges in data projects, Use-Cases and applications.

There will be one more talk on the 8th of November.

For registration please send an email to

6. F&E-Konferenz zu Industrie 4.0

An einem Nachmittag werden rund 25 Hochschulprojekte im 5-Minuten-Takt aus Bereichen wie Internet of Things (IoT), Technologien (Robotik, Automatisierung), Maschinelles lernen, Big Data/ Data Processing, neue Geschäftsfelder und vielem mehr vorgestellt. Sie erhalten auf effiziente Art und Weise einen Überblick der Themen der nahen Zukunft und erfahren, was an den Hoch- und Fachhochschulen im Bereich Industrie 4.0 geforscht und entwickelt wird.

In der anschliessenden virtuellen Posterausstellung haben Sie die Möglichkeit mit den Referierenden in Kontakt zu treten, sich für weitere Vorhaben inspirieren zu lassen und vielleicht auch schon die ersten Weichen für eine Zusammenarbeit zu stellen.

Weitere Informationen: Offizielle Webseite


    • Vertreter*innen der Industrie aus Entwicklung, F&E, Produktion und Geschäftsleitung
    • Dozent*innen und Projektleitende der Hochschulen und Forschungsinstitutionen

Use-Case Talks Series 2021

About the Use-Case Talks Series: Come and enjoy in-depth technical discussions and exchange information about interesting technical challenges among industry, academic and individual members in our Use-Case Talks series. In a relaxed atmosphere we  will discuss about progresses and challenges in data projects, Use-Cases and applications.

There will be two more talks on the 14th of June and the 8th of November.

For registration please send an email to


The Swiss Conference on Data Science (SDS) is the most important Swiss conference for applied data science! In 2021 it will be held for the 8th time.

We connect data scientists, developers, opinion leaders, decision makers and pioneers. We create and exchange ideas for innovative products and services, with a non-exclusive focus on the Swiss market. We foster the community of data scientists in Switzerland – and beyond.

SDS2021: With talks and contributions focusing on applied data science and business, accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore. Talks with business impact and data-driven innovation concepts will be presented at the SDS2021.

Meet innovators, scientists as well as business insiders and get access to emerging trends, cutting-edge technologies and research results. Get inspired and use the input from SDS2021 directly for the improvement and development of your data-based products, solutions and applications. Further expand your network and discuss with experts on applied data science during our breaks and social events.