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Tag: Databooster

Open Innovation @ Databooster Webinar

Implementation of open innovation within the framework of the Innovationbooster “Databooster” powered by Innosuisse. Get to know new opportunities followed by a Q&A session.

The challenges of our time need innovative concepts, approaches and solutions. The databooster program supports this process – from the identification of challenges and the development of ideas to the initialization of innovation projects. In this webinar, you will learn about the funding opportunities within the framework of the databooster program, the application process and further opportunities and services provided by the databooster program and the data innovation alliance

Zoom meeting: Link
Meeting ID: 874 0508 3009
Passcode: 969502

Open Innovation @ Databooster Webinar

Implementation of open innovation within the framework of the Innovationbooster “Databooster” powered by Innosuisse. Get to know new opportunities followed by a Q&A session.

More details will be announced soon.

Industry 4.0 Workshop

The Focus Topic “Industry 4.0” includes multiple innovative technologies in the area of industrial production. The focus is on intelligent and digitally connected systems. The full value chain from purchasing over logistics to manufacturing, are affected. However, two main areas of application are emerging: the smart factory and data-based services. In the smart factory, Industry 4.0 encompasses three levels of process automation: (1) condition monitoring of a machine or process, (2) data-based optimization through predictive intervention, and (3) self-organization of a system through self-diagnosis and autonomous machine decisions. Industry 4.0 also consists of a variety of other technologies such as augmented reality, digital twins, and mobile/collaborative robots.

Swiss industry is very well placed to play an efficient role in the developments surrounding Industry 4.0. We will explore the realm of Industry 4.0 in a joint event by Innovation Booster Robotics and Innovation Databooster.

The event is free to attend with a lunch and refreshments provided by the organizer.

Registration can be found here: Registration

Lunch & Lecture – Brainfood zum Zmittag

Machen Sie sich in der Mittagspause fit für wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse: Diskutieren Sie mit!
Die leckeren Sandwiches und Getränke vom Lilly Jo“ sorgen fürs kulinarische Wohl und sind im Eintrittspreis inbegriffen.
Eine Veranstaltungsreihe in Kooperation mit der Universität Zürich

Innovation Made in Switzerland
Warum ist die Schweiz das innovativste Land der Welt?
Wie schafft es die Schweiz, die Rangliste des Global Innovation Index seit Jahren anzuführen? Eine entscheidende Rolle spielen auf jeden Fall staatliche und kantonale Förderagenturen sowie regionale Denkfabriken. Aber was ist überhaupt eine Innovation und wie wird der Innovationsgrad gemessen? Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einer Idee, einer Erfindung und einer Innovation? Und welche unternehmerischen Voraussetzungen braucht «echte» Innovation?

Dr. Gundula Heinatz Bürki; Managing Director der Data Innovation Alliance Nachhaltigkeit

Leitung und Moderation
Dr. Dana Sindermann, Paulus Akademie
Dr. Reik Leiterer, Universität Zürich


Paulus Akademie, Pfingstweidstrassse 28, 8005 Zürich


CHF 30.- (inkl. Sandwich, Salat und Getränk); CHF 20.- für Mitglieder Gönnerverein, Studierende und Lernende, IV-Bezüger und mit KulturLegi.


Montag, 30.01.2023

Link Programmflyer


Expert Day


13:00 Door Opening
13:15 Welcome
13:30 Keynote of PhD. Kyle Alves, Senior Lecturer of Information Systems & Operations Management,
University of the West of England
14:00 Expert Group Meetings (part 1)
15:00 Break
15:30 Expert Group Meetings (part 2)
17:30 Apéro

The Expert Groups will be represented by:

Data-Food challenge

Organizer: Kyle Alves and Shaun West

  • Objectives: In this session we will illustrate the diversity of opportunities associated with increased adoption of digital technologies in food chains.
  • Related questions: How can food supply chain performance simultaneously meet ESG and profitability targets? How is the adoption of new supply chain technology now more accessible to SMEs? What knowledge and skills are needed for sustained performance? How can supply chain finance support adoption?
  • What they will learn: Attendees will learn from practical, real-world examples of digital supply chains focused on SMEs. These examples contain opportunities for success as well as emerging challenges associated with these projects.
Hidden opportunities: Geo-spatial applications in the age of OpenData

Organizer: Michele Bolla, Tamfal Tomas (ERNI), Florian Scheidegger (IBM Research/KI Sandbox Kanton Zürich) EG Spatial Data (Stefan Keller, Reik Leiterer) and Anne Wegmann (Opendata)

In this workshop, organized by ERNI and the Spatial Data Expert Group, we would like to bring together experts from different fields to jointly identify needs and possible new approaches in the field of open data and geospatial applications. Participants will get insights on current technology topics, discuss innovative solution and possible use-cases and get to know potential technology providers. Within a ideation workshop we will explore in more depth challenges mentioned by the participants and moving to the idea stage. Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to network with potential project partners and, ideally, start a collaboration project that can be funded by the databooster program. (and of course there will be coffee again and an apéro afterwards)

Machine Learning and Responsible AI

Organizer: Ricardo Chavarriaga (ZHAW), Philipp Schmid (CSEM) and Andrea Dunbar (CSEM)

As AI continues transforming all application sectors, discussions about its ethical implications and regulatory requirements are gaining a lot of traction. Overall, the need to to respond to the social concerns about AI impact and to comply with the upcoming regulation (e.g. the European AI act) will impact the data science activities of Swiss companies dramatically.

In this workshop, experts will present the current state of discussions on ethical implications and regulation of AI systems, and learn about state-of-the-art techniques for explainability and interpretability. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to discuss their specific challenges, meet potential partners and identify ideas to follow. Representatives of the Databooster program will be present to support participants in receiving further support for developing innovative approaches and further research to address challenges in responsibly applying AI in real-world cases. This workshop is organised by the Databooster Focus Topic on Responsible AI, ZHAW, CSEM and CLAIRE.

Part 1: Impulse Talk: “Ethics, Operationalizing Responsible AI and regulatory compliance”
Breakout discussion: Identify challenges for implementing responsible AI. Participants can pitch a challenge they have already identified and cluster challenges into topics or trends

Part 2: Impulse Talk: “Advancements in Interpretable AI for Healthcare: Paving the Way Towards More Reliable Computational Models”
Breakout discussion: Ways for addressing the identified challenges and conclusions, next steps, and adjourn

Build a Cloud IoT System Using a RaspberryPi (Limit 24 participants)

Organizer: Heiko Krömer (D ONE), Stepan Gaponiuk (D ONE)

This workshop is an interactive hands-on experience with the Internet of Things (IoT). Participants will set up their own end-to-end cloud IoT-system using RaspberryPi microcontrollers. Following a brief theoretical introduction to RaspberryPi, participants will get their hands dirty and connect a small sensor to the controller.


We welcome our keynote speaker PhD. Kyle Alves, Senior Lecturer of Information Systems & Operations Management, University of the West of England (UWE Bristol), Faculty of Business and Law

He is a member of the Innovation, Operations Management & Supply (IOMS) Research Group as well as the management team for the Data Research Access & Governance Network at UWE and the Food Systems Research Network at UWE

Biography: I am an Early Career Researcher focused on remaining engaged with businesses on real-world challenges.  My research and projects examine the overlapping areas of management, new technologies, and coordinated supply chains.  My research goals target ways in which positive social impact can be maximised using innovative new technologies and approaches to managing operations.

Creating the ‘Golden Thread’: food product data for optimization from the farm to the retail shelf

This presentation illustrates the experience of creating the world’s first digitally traceable sandwich.  The Digital Sandwich project created a national demonstrator of a digitalized food supply chain, focused on sandwich manufacturing.  The project established an integrated digital platform that fuses multiple industrial digital technologies (Blockchain, AI, IoT, Finance) into a single technology stack operating within a standard business ERP. The project aims to step change manufacturing productivity, consumer safety, financing and trust within the food supply chain.

Emerging from the case were innovative new applications connected to supply chain performance data, as well as new challenges associated with privacy and commercially sensitive data.   

The challenge is interdisciplinary, affecting the areas of food production, land use, policy/regulation, food logistics, energy systems, consumer behaviour, and many others.

Expert Day

We invite you to the second iteration of the Expert Day. Join us in an exchange of expertise and find inspiration. These following groups will participate:

  • Natural Language Processing & Big Data Technologies
  • Smart Maintenance
  • Smart Services
  • Spatial Data Analytics

Detailed Program:

15:00 – Welcome
15:30 – Keynote by Prof. Pierre Dersin
16:10 – Expert Group Meetings in breakout rooms (see below)
17:40 – Apéro

Keynote Data-driven Value Added for Words, Images and Things by Prof. Pierre Dersin (clickable)

Digital transformation is a defining feature of our epoch.
Abundance of data, immense increase in hardware processing capabilities and breakthroughs in analytics algorithms have made practical some of the visions put forward about three quarters of a century ago. The branch of Artificial Intelligence called Machine Learning, and in particular Deep Learning, permeates image processing, natural language processing (“words”) and smart maintenance (“things”), and furthermore enables rich synergies between those three fields, which span a great deal of human activity, with profound potential impacts — some already visible, on industry, science, the arts and social life.
We shall attempt to review, and to illustrate on a few (mainly industrial) applications, some of the recent achievements , key trends, as well as challenges that remain to be overcome.
Progress is being made continually in both supervised and unsupervised learning; new disciplines such as graph neural networks have emerged. Applications will illustrate data-driven approaches but also hybrid algorithms which combine data and expert knowledge, including physical models , leading to the notion of digital twin.
Challenges include, among other, model interpretability, the ability to generalize, scalability and uncertainty quantification; as well as change management.
Perhaps one of the biggest challenges is how one should harness AI while keeping a critical mind and refraining from ‘magical thinking’.

Natural Language Processing & Big Data Technologies

Everyone is talking about ChatGPT these days and some of its output is truly impressive! We will discuss how the most recent wave of text generation algorithms can transform business, science and teaching. The meeting will feature the following expert talks (click to see more details):

Grounded Copywriting with ChatGPT & Co by Michael Wechner (Wyona AG) + Colin Carter (Coop Rechtsschutz)
Everyone talks about the pros and cons of ChatGPT, its competitors and how to combine the generated text with grounded knowledge. We will demonstrate how ChatGPT & Co can be applied in insurance and discuss the future of retrieval augmented language models.
Can we Identify Machine-Generated Text? An Overview of Current Approaches by Anastassia Shaitarova (UZH Institute for Computational Linguistics)
The detection of machine-generated text has become increasingly important due to the prevalence of automated content generation and its potential for misuse. In this talk, we will discuss the motivation for automatic detection of generated text. We will present the currently available methods, including feature-based classification as a “first line-of-defense.” We will provide an overview of the detection tools that have been made available so far and discuss their limitations. Finally, we will reflect on some open problems associated with the automatic discrimination of generated texts.
Using AI to Query the Football World Cup Database in Natural Language by Kurt Stockinger (ZHAW Institute for Applied Information Technology)
Football is one of the most popular sports on earth with millions of people watching the FIFA world cup. In this talk, we describe how we built a system to query the world cup database in natural language. We explain how we translate natural language into the database query language SQL using modern transformer architecture. We also demonstrate how we have used large language models such as Open AI’s GPT-3 and Google’s T5 to explain how the system interprets users’ questions.

We are looking forward to exchanging opinions, experiences and questions, and to exploring this exciting field together!

Smart Maintenance

The value of condition monitoring data: 5 use cases.

In this meeting of the Smart Maintenance Expert Group we will hear about successful student projects conducted together with industry partners from various fields. The focus points of the projects are very diverse, ranging from prediction of energy losses, through anomaly detection, fault diagnostics, prediction of the remaining useful life and optimal maintenance scheduling.  We will have 5 short pitch presentations, followed by an interactive discussion of future interest topics of our expert group, including active feedback of all participants.

  • Anomaly Detection in Marine Engines with Convolutional Neural Networks (Company: WinGD)
  • Aircraft Scheduling Optimization based on Prognostics Degradation Models (Company: Swiss International Airlines)
  • Modeling Wake Energy Losses in Wind Farms using Graph Neural Networks (Company: Fluence Energy)
  • Using Error Code Patterns to Predict Service Requests on Production Machines with Machine Learning (Company: Zünd Systemtechnik)
  • Fault Detection in Solar Power Plants using Physics Informed Deep Learning (Company: Fluence Energy)

Smart services for sustainability – circular servitization

With data-driven services, industrial companies can create quantifiable value for their customers, partners and themselves. At the same time, these services also have the potential for ecological benefits, e.g., through optimized processes in operations or logistics. To make this possible, economic and ecological goals must be captured in a targeted and combined manner when designing the services.

The 1.5-hour workshop will discuss how specific problems from everyday business can be systematically addressed to create relevant added value for business and ecology. Participants will bring their own business issue and leave the workshop with a first approach on how to create economic and environmental value through smart services. The workshop will run through typical phases of a project in a compressed time format to give an impression of what such a project might look like on a larger scale.

Spatial Data Analytics

High-quality spatial data is increasingly available for free use. However, with the large amount of data and the sometimes very specific data types and formats, it is challenging to find the appropriate data sources. In addition, some of the data access platforms are only partially intuitive and can be used without expert knowledge. Accordingly, the question arises whether the full potential of the available data base could not be better exploited if data access and data sharing were simplified. In this co-creation workshop, concepts and approaches will be reflected and discussed with representatives from research and industry as well as from cantonal and federal agencies, with the aim of developing possible approaches for joint implementation.

Project Day

The Innovation Booster Databooster is organizing the third Project Day, where previously supported innovation teams will present their projects and their developments in 2022/2023 to companies and interested partners.

These innovation teams and companies will share their insights and lessons learned:, BFH and ZHAW, DNext and HESSO Geneva, Fluence Energy and ZHAW, leg&airy and ZHAW, modulos and ZHAW,, SUPSI and ZHAW, Schwabe Pharma and OST, Stadler Rail and ZHAW, zubischuhe and ZHAW.

13:00 Registration
13:30 Welcome
13:40 Innovation Project Presentations & Discussion
leg&airy & ZHAW
Schwabe Pharma & OST
MTF Business Solutions
zubischuhe & ZHAW
14:45 Innovation Project Presentations & Discussion
Fluence Energy & ZHAW
Stadler Rail & ZHAW & SUPSI & ZHAW & BFH & ZHAW
15:30 Coffee Break
16:00 Innovation Project Presentations & Discussion
DNext & HES-SO Geneva
modulos & ZHAW
Carity & ZHAW & hospitals
16:30 Summary
17:00 Apéro

To register please use the form below. Seats are limited, early registration is recommended!

Project Day

The Innovation Booster Databooster is organizing the second Project Day, where previously supported innovation teams will present their projects and their developments in 2021/2022 to companies and interested partners.

These innovation teams and companies will share their insights and lessons learned: AI-Bridge, ascentys-ESG, DNEXT, endaprime, eraneos, maxon motors, peerdom, rewoso, TEK, ZHAW together with Tamedia and NZZ.

The presentation and discussion will address topics like sustainability and ESG measuring, Smart Services for complex energy systems, AI and Industry 4.0, Responsible AI, Data-based governance and organizations, data visualization for patients.

13:00 Registration
13:30 Welcome
13:40 Innovation Project Presentations + discussion + future thinking
15:30 Coffee break
16:00 Innovation Project Presentations + discussion
16:30 Summary
17:00 Apero

To register please use the form below. Seats are limited, early registration is recommended!

2nd European Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness (EWAF)

The goal of the European Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness (EWAF) is to foster the dialogue between researchers working on algorithmic fairness in the context of Europe’s legal and societal framework, especially in light of the EU’s attempts to promote ethical AI. It is thus a space for researchers to discuss fairness in machine learning with an interdisciplinary perspective related to Europe.

The workshop aims to be highly interdisciplinary. This means that it will connect a variety of fields and perspectives including but not limited to mathematical, philosophical, computer science, legal, psychological, sociological, critical studies and management perspectives.

You can learn more about our workshop on our website.

Innovation = Risk + (Crazy?) Value Creation

“Innovation is going beyond state of the art – which means risk” – Anton Demarmels, Swissmem

“Innovation heisst, die Grenzen des State of the Art zu überschreiten – und das bedeutet Risiko” – Anton Demarmels, Swissmem.

The well-known song, 12 Days of Christmas, is heard around this time of year, just as we at the Databooster were “gifted” 12 idea talks at the every first Project Day and Christmas Lounge event. The Databooster ideas were in various phases of development across the data clusters “Industry 4.0”, “Smart Services”, “Ethics”, and “Sustainability”.

Das bekannte Lied “12 Days of Christmas” hört man um diese Jahreszeit, und auch wir beim Databooster wurden am ersten Project Day und der Weihnachtslounge mit 12 Ideenvorträgen “beschenkt”. Die Databooster-Ideen befinden sich in verschiedenen Phasen der Entwicklung in den Datenclustern “Industrie 4.0”, “Smart Services”, “Ethik” und “Nachhaltigkeit”.

What set this event apart from usual success stories was the melting pot of – at first glance – bizarre but brilliant future innovation ideas generated during several rounds of breakout sessions. Sure, data can be used for predictive maintenance on infrastructure, and sensors could detect changes in living organisms such as plants. But what happens if we let the boundaries of normal brainstorming fall away to broaden the group idea horizon? Imagine a technology that would allow sustainable, plant-based or wooden infrastructure, such as bridges, to be built, which would employ drones to survey potential maintenance spots, fire off a signal to the relevant sensors, and the plant-based infrastructure could regrow those areas of concern.

Was diese Veranstaltung von den üblichen Erfolgsgeschichten abhebt, war der bunte Mix aus – auf den ersten Blick – skurrilen, aber spannenden Ideen für Zukunftsszenarien, die in mehreren Runden von Breakout Diskussionen entwickelt wurden. Klar, Daten können für die vorausschauende Wartung von Infrastrukturen genutzt werden, und Sensoren könnten Veränderungen in lebenden Organismen wie Pflanzen erkennen. Aber was passiert, wenn wir die Grenzen des normalen Brainstormings ausdehnen, um den Ideen-Horizont der Gruppe zu erweitern? Stellen Sie sich eine Technologie vor, die den Bau nachhaltiger, pflanzlicher oder hölzerner Infrastrukturen wie z. B. Brücken ermöglicht, bei der Drohnen eingesetzt werden, um potenzielle Wartungsstellen zu überwachen sowie Signale an die entsprechenden Sensoren zu senden, so dass die pflanzliche Infrastruktur die betreffenden Bereiche regenerieren könnte.

Why bother generating such wild ideas across separate industries? Because innovation can’t happen without bold steps. And bold, risk-oriented action can’t happen with a limiting mindset or an isolated environment. The Databooster puts the right people together to enable limits to fall away, ideas to be tested, pushed, and refined into tangible innovation.

Warum macht man sich die Arbeit, solch wilde Ideen quer durch verschiedene Branchen zu kreieren? Weil es ohne wagemutige Schritte keine Innovation geben kann. Und kühnes, risikokalkuliertes Handeln kann nicht mit einer einschränkenden Denkweise oder einer isolierten Umgebung geschehen. Der Databooster bringt die richtigen Leute zusammen, damit Grenzen wegfallen und Ideen getestet, vorangetrieben und zu greifbaren Innovationen weiterentwickelt werden können.

A painting is made up of both broader as well as finer brush strokes. Likewise, gaining an insider’s perspective on the broad range of stages in the ideas’ development enabled the participants to see the bigger picture of the Databooster program – with stumbling blocks experienced and successes celebrated.

Ein Gemälde ist ein Werk, das sowohl aus breiteren als auch aus feineren Pinselstrichen besteht. Genauso ermöglichte die Insider-Perspektive auf das breite Band der Ideen-Entwicklungsphasen den Teilnehmern, das Gesamtbild des Databooster-Programms zu erkennen – samt erlebten Stolpersteinen und gefeierten Erfolgen.

Let’s get into the specific talks.

Ideas such as “Predictive Maintenance for wind machines” by SSM Schärer Schweiter AG and “Cavity pressure-based machine learning for advanced injection molding processes” by Kistler Group have already conducted Deep Dives and evaluated their data. SSM found that their data does not yet allow for any conclusions to be drawn about future failures, so they must explore further avenues. URMA AG Tools and Machining have also already dug extensively into their idea; collected, evaluated and gained insights from initial data gathered.

Kommen wir nun zu den einzelnen Vorträgen.

Ideen wie das Thema “Predictive Maintenance for wind machines” der SSM Schärer Schweiter AG und “Cavity pressure-based machine learning for advanced injection molding processes” der Kistler Gruppe haben bereits Deep Dives durchgeführt und ihre Daten ausgewertet. SSM hat festgestellt, dass ihre Daten noch keine Aussagen über zukünftige Ausfälle zulassen, weshalb sie weitere Ansätze untersuchen müssen. Auch die URMA AG Tools and Machining hat sich bereits intensiv mit ihrer Idee auseinandergesetzt, erste Daten gesammelt und ausgewertet. Sie konnten bereits daraus Erkenntnisse gewinnen.

Certain ideas are at the stage where the technological feasibility is investigated and the data models to be used are being researched. One of the start-ups, Vivent, talked about a plant stress algorithm and sensors that would read the electric radiation emitted from plants to detect the stress situation of the plants, e.g. even in mild droughts, to alert commercial farmers. Such projects are particularly exciting, as they have great innovation potential due to the research still being conducted.

Einige Ideen befinden sich in der Phase, in der die technologische Machbarkeit untersucht wird und die zu verwendenden Datenmodelle erforscht werden. Eines der Start-ups, Vivent, sprach über einen Algorithmus zur Erkennung von Pflanzenstress und Sensoren, die die von den Pflanzen abgegebene elektrische Strahlung messen könnten, um die Stresssituation der Pflanzen zu erkennen, z.B. bereits bei milden Dürreperioden, um Landwirte zu warnen. Solche Projekte sind besonders spannend, da sie aufgrund der noch laufenden Forschung ein hohes Mass an Innovationspotenzial haben.

Lastly, there were early-stage idea stories by Swiss Re and Thinkgate, currently in the Databooster Shaping Stage. They mapped out the stakeholder’s and customers’ needs and laid out exactly how their data-based innovation projects bridge them. The overviews respectively included automating benefit identification in insurance, and centralizing data on flight irregularities and mitigating services thereof on a platform for consumer convenience.

Schliesslich gab es noch Ideengeschichten von Swiss Re und Thinkgate, die sich derzeit in der Databooster Shaping Stage befinden. Sie erarbeiteten die Bedürfnisse der Stakeholder und Kunden und schilderten konkret, wie ihre datenbasierten Innovationsvorhaben diese überbrücken. Zu den jeweiligen Ideen gehörten die Automatisierung der Leistungsidentifizierung in der Versicherungsbranche und die Zentralisierung von Daten über Flugunregelmässigkeiten und deren Abhilfe in einer Plattform, um den Verbrauchern die Neu-Orientierung zu erleichtern.

The festive apèro, dotted with fine Christmas “Guetzli”, led to the participants mingling, exchanging their impressions, and gave rise to the opportunity for further synergies. The event closed with feedback from the participants.

Der festliche Apéro, bestückt mit feinen Weihnachtsguetzli, bot den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern die Möglichkeit, sich zu begegnen, ihre Eindrücke auszutauschen und weitere Synergien zu knüpfen. Die Veranstaltung schloss mit einem Feedback der Teilnehmer.

“The Databooster builds a platform to guarantee exchanges.”“One always sees the same ideas being presented – except here! It’s astounding how unusual some of the innovation ideas across the panel were.”“It’s interesting how the applications proceeded in how they are able to move ideas forward across such a variety of industries. Coming to this event, one truly sees that there’s a real community to help you”.

“Der Databooster baut eine Plattform, um den Austausch zu garantieren.””Man bekommt immer die ähnlichen Ideen präsentiert – ausser hier! Es ist beeindruckend, wie originell einige der Innovationsideen im gesamten Forum waren.””Es ist spannend, wie die Bewerbungen verlaufen sind, wie sie Ideen in so unterschiedlichen Branchen vorantreiben können. Bei dieser Veranstaltung sieht man, dass es eine echte Gemeinschaft gibt, die einen unterstützt”.

Thank you to the participants for their active engagement! Missed out? Don’t worry, we are hosting the next Project Day on April 18, 2023!

Vielen Dank an die Teilnehmer für ihr aktives Engagement! Sie haben es verpasst? Keine Sorge, wir laden Sie herzliche zum nächsten Projekttag am 18. April 2023 ein!