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POSTPONED – Webinar – Databooster Workshops on Usability Testing – H2020 DomOS Expert Review

Usability Test for evaluating a product or service by testing it with representative users

This workshop on user experience brings together researchers and service leaders to share knowledge and support projects with data science tools.

The goal of the workshop is to share knowledge on user experience principle, tools and applications. You will get an overview of the European consortium domOS project – A building local communication network provides access to sensors data and smart devices / appliances to applications either hosted in the gateway or in the cloud.

See the FLYER for more information.

For registration please use the form below.

SKDV Service Träff

Angesichts der angespannten Corona-Lage ist eine Prognose in welchem Umfang eine Präsenzveranstaltung stattfinden kann, noch nicht abschliessend möglich.

Geplant ist, dass wir uns in den Räumlichkeiten der Swissmem Academy in Winterthur treffen.

Wir halten Sie auf dem laufenden.

Neben einem spannenden Referat zum Thema “Climate as a service” werden wir gemeinsam die Themen für die SKDV-Service-Foren 2022 festlegen.

Was für Themen interessieren Sie brennend? Teilen Sie es uns mit per Kontaktformular oder schreiben Sie uns eine eMail an

Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Input – im Voraus und natürlich auch während der Veranstaltung!

Sehen Sie das Programm und weitere Informationen HIER.

Databooster – to support SMEs

The NTN Innovation Booster is an Innosuisse-founded initiative which brings together the most important players from science/research, society and industry. Its main mission is to develop innovation ideas carried out by interdisciplinary teams.

The NTN Innovation Booster is composed of 18 programs, out of them 6 will start in 2022. Each NTN Innovation Booster program targets a specific domain. One of these programs is NTN Databooster which supports innovation around data-based value creation. Databooster focuses on the design of data-based services for the industrial and service sectors. Its goal is to combine new methods and technologies in the field of data science with new business models and service concepts.

Nowadays, companies collect vast amounts of data to extract information/knowledge. This information is usefull to optimise their process, develop new services and/or products.

The main mission of the NTN Databooster is to support SMEs to:

  • identify their business/technology challenges in a competitive innovation environment,
  • shape their innovation idea and get the opportunity to build their first prototype,
  • have access to funding instruments for their research and development programmes.

> Register now

According to the current COVID guidelines, wearing masks is mandatory. Only holders of a valid COVID certificate (vaccinated, cured or tested negative) will be allowed to participate in the event.
We ask you to provide your COVID certificate and your identity card on site.

NFT Symposium

By Michael Lustenberger

The 14th meeting of the expert group “Blockchain Technology in Interorganisational Collaboration” was a special event. The expert group hosted the NFT Symposium in Winterthur on the 2nd December with more than 100 participants.

NFTs – non-fungible tokens – have become a major topic not only in the art space, but also beyond. This technological development based on blockchain technology allows to create ownership of digital assets. The most famous NFT art piece (Everydays from Beeple) has been sold for 69 million USD. Also, the Swiss post has issued so-called crypto-stamps. NFTs has even been given the top spot on ArtReview‘s annual Art Power 100 list. Enough reasons to take a closer look at this novel phenomenon.

The event started with a speech from an art historian, Dr. Yvonne Schweizer from the University of Berne. She showed that it is always worthwhile to look back to see what has happened in the past: The idea of digital scarcity is by no means new. Previous artists have already found ways to create digital ownerships, e.g., with contracts. Interestingly, Yvonne also showed that currently there is a split between the traditional art market (mainly frequented by the “boomer” generation) and the crypto market (Generation Z).

After this enlightening talk, Dr. Daniel Diemers allowed us to take a glance into the future. NFTs are not merely important in the art market, they are the building blocks for the metaverse (as for example envisioned by the company Meta, previously Facebook). They allow for the creation of new digital worlds in which users trade and interacts with each other. Already today, such digital worlds (Decentraland, Sandbox) are worth billions. In the metaverse, we will see the convergence of several different technologies (AI, VR, AR, Blockchain) and all of this is guided by NFTs.

After the symposium, the participants exchanged ideas and their astonishment on this new technology during an apéro.

ONLINE – AI, Data and Robotics Partnership launching event

The event will be organised in collaboration with the European Commission and the AI, Data and Robotics Association (Adra).

The launch event is a direct follow-up of the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding last June between the European Commission and Adra that establishes the co-programmed partnership that will serve as European focal point for AI, Data and Robotics.

We are inviting a panel of high-level speakers from industry, research and policy to provide their view on the opportunities of European AI, Data and Robotics. Additionally, we will be informing you about the upcoming activities within the partnership and present you the membership options of Adra.

10-10:05 am: Opening of the event
10:05-10:15 am: Official opening by the European Commission (top level)
10:15-10:25 am: Official opening by Marina Bill, President of Adra
10:25-10:45 am: Practical presentation on Adra and the AI, Data, and Robotics Partnership
10:45-10:55 am: Videos presenting the founding members
10:55-11:25 am: Keynotes
• Leonore Gewessler – Federal Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
• Karlo Ressler – Member of the European Parliament and Vice-president of AIDA
• Pekka Ala-Pietilä – Chair of the EU High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (2018-2020)

11:25-12:10 pm: Panel discussion
• Nozha Boujemaa – Global Digital Ethics and Responsible AI Director at IKEA
• Francesco Ferro – CEO at PAL robotics
• Daniel Sáez Domingo – Strategic Intelligence & Technology Transfer Director at Instituto Tecnológico de Informática and Member of the Board of Directors of Gaia-X
• Christian Guttmann – Head of AI and Data Science at TietoEvry 

12:10-12:15 pm: Conclusion

More about Adra:

Link for registration:

AI in Human Resources – dangerous to employee well-being?

HR analytics is studying all people’s processes, functions, challenges, and opportunities at work to elevate these systems and achieve sustainable business success. The active use of advanced analytics can improve the way organisations identify, attract, develop, and retain talent dramatically. On the other hand decisions supported by data and algorithms may be hiding risks for employees as well as employers that most companies do not even consider.

On November 4, 2021, this question and topics were examined from different perspectives – by renowned speakers from both the academic and business environment.

With the event generously hosted by the Digital Society Initiative at the University of Zurich, Markus Christen (UZH) and Karin Lange (die Mobiliar) opened the event – both on the leadership team of the Data Ethics Expert Group of the data innovation alliance.

Dr. Simon Schafheitle from the Institute for Work and Employment Research at the University of St. Gallen showed that people analytics are only effective if they can be enacted in a trust-enabling way. The conclusion was very clear:

“If your PA makes your employees visible:
Let them participate in the design and use and explicitly forego automation.
If your PA bears automation potential:
Allow your employees to withdraw OR explain and justify its “raison d’être” comprehensively!”

Nadia Fischer of witty works – a company that uses its product to help companies formulate job ads in such a way that the open positions can appeal to all types of talent – proved to the audience that we all have cultivated a language bias. With the help of artificial intelligence, this can be made visible and corrected.

Finally, the Mobiliar Lab for Analytics, represented by Mara Nägelin and Jasmine Kerr, used a research project on digital stress intervention to demonstrate on the one hand the great benefits for health management within companies – but also the great potential ethical dangers. In an exemplary manner, the scientists had clarified and cleared up all ethical implications in advance before the project started and repeatedly checked whether privacy and informational self- determination were guaranteed.

Three examples of how digital responsibilities can and must be assumed in order to continue to make our world worth living – and working – in in the future and not generate black boxes!

The panel discussion with the speakers continued in a lively manner during the subsequent aperitif. The audience agreed: A successful event with valuable insights on an important topic.


Was steckt hinter dem Phänomen NFT? Dieser Frage wollen wir am 02. Dezember in der Aula in Winterthur im Rahmen unserer Expertengruppe Blockchain Technology in Interorganisational Collaboration der Data Innovation Alliance nachgehen. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institute for Organizational Viability und dem UZH Blockchain Center veranstalten wir ein öffentliches Symposium.

More information

data innovation alliance at the AI+X Summit

The ETH AI Center celebrated its first birthday on October 15, 2021, at the AI+X Summit and the data innovation alliance was there to congratulate and to join the inspiring crowd. The day started with workshops.

David Sturzenegger and Stefan Deml from Decentriq organized one of the workshops on “Privacy-preserving analytics and ML” in the name of the alliance.

It was our first in-person workshop again, and such a great experience for us. We gave an overview of various privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) to a very engaged and diverse audience of about 30 people. We had in-depth discussions about the use-cases that PETs could unlock, and also presented about Decentriq’s data clean rooms and our use of confidential computing. Our product certainly generated a lot of follow up interest, especially from those who wanted to reach out to demo the platform. We were also joined by a guest speaker from Hewlett Packard who spoke about “Swarm Learning”.

David Sturzenegger, Stefan Deml

Melanie Geiger from the data innovation alliance office attended the workshop about AI + Industry & Manufacturing led by Olga Fink from ETH. The overall goal of the workshop was to identify the next research topics. Small groups with representatives from manufacturing companies mixed with researchers discussed the challenges and opportunities of predictive maintenance, quality control, optimization, and computer vision. We identified research topics such as more generalizable predictive maintenance methods that work for multiple machines or even multiple manufacturing companies. But we also realized that some challenges are more on the operational side or applied research like in the integration of the method into the whole manufacturing process and closing the feedback loop.

In the evening the exhibition and the program on the main stage attracted 1000 participants. We had many interesting discussions at our booth with a wonderful mix of students, entrepreneurs, researchers, and people from the industry. Of course, we also saw many familiar faces and due to the 3G policy, we got back some “normality”.

Webinar: Geodatenschätze und die vielfältige Nutzung

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Dank der Unterstützung von Innosuisse und den Gold-, Silber- und Bronzepartnern sowie Kongresspartner können die Webinare im 2021 kostenlos angeboten werden. Möchten Sie die Leistungen des Vereins GEOSummit anerkennen, so können Sie einen Ihnen beliebigen Betrag überweisen. Die Bankangaben finden Sie auf der Buchungsbestätigung. Die freiwilligen Beiträge werden für die Organisation des nächsten GEOSummit – hoffentlich wieder «analog» durchgeführt – eingesetzt.

Unterstützer: Innosuisse – Schweizer Agentur für Innovationsförderung

Die Goldpartner sind: Hexagon Schweiz AG, ESRI SCHWEIZ AG, GEOCOM by VERTIGIS, EXOLABS
Die Silberpartner sind: DeltaOffice, Schutz vor Naturgefahren, BENNETBILL, CENTRE PATRONAL, INSER, viadiversa
Die Bronzepartner sind: iNovitas und digitalswitzerland
Die Kongresspartner sind: SOGI, GEOSUISSE, IGS, KGK, GKG, FGS, SGK, SGPF und FHNW.

Einen herzlichen Dank an alle Partner.
Partner GEOSummit

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Verein GEOSummit

Pol Budmiger, Präsident
Thomas Meyer, Geschäftsführer.